Water-Related Accidents in Florida

Motor vehicle car accidents are the leading cause of death for children; however, drowning follows closely behind as the second leading cause of death among children under the age of 15. Drowning is also one of the leading causes of death among adults and the elderly as well. 

Herein we will point out the primary risk factors, types of drowning accidents, causes and injuries, common drowning locations as well as who may be held liable in these types of cases. 

There about six risk factors in many drowning deaths. Many people are potentially at risk for drowning but knowing the risk factors can lower that overall risk. The following factors increase the risk for accidental drowning and other unintentional injuries while in or near the water.

Males are at a higher risk of drowning, having twice the mortality rate of females, as well as a greater chance of being hospitalized in non-fatal drownings and other injuries in the water.

Around the world, children aged one to four have the highest drowning rates, followed by children five to nine years of age. Lack of adult supervision, along with the fact that children often misjudge their own swimming ability and also fail to realize the dangers of water play.

Given that the use of alcohol and drugs impede reaction time, judgment, and physical abilities, swimming or boating under the influence places an individual at a higher risk for drowning.

Individuals who live close to the water and have greater access are at a higher risk simply because they spend more time in, around and/or on the water.

Certain medical conditions make it riskier to be in the water alone.

As flooding disasters become more frequent, more accidental drownings can result.

In Florida, some of the cases of drowning include swimming pools, which are prevalent, at private residences, at resorts, or in amusement parks. Water activities are also popular given the number of lakes, rivers, and top-rated beaches. However, many drowning accidents occur in swimming pools, leaving families distraught. Typically, these are negligence cases caused by the subject pool owner and/or the manufacturer of the product in question. 

While there are guidelines, regulations, and laws in place to prevent drowning accidents, such accidents still occur. The Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act (RSPSA)- 2021 Florida Statutes, Chapter 515,  starts by acknowledging that avoiding death by drowning is most effectively achieved with the supervision of a responsible adult. Given that many swimming pool accidents occur with no adult present, RSPSA requires swimming pools in Florida to have a minimum of one of the following safety measures installed:

  • Pool must have isolated access from the home according to pool barrier requirements,
  • Pool barrier must be a minimum of four feet in height and not easily climbed,
  • Pool must be equipped with an approved safety cover,
  • All doors and entrances to the pool area must have self-closing and self-latching devices at 54 inches or higher,
  • Any doors or windows with direct access to the pool must have exit alarms, and
  • Pool must be equipped with a pool alarm that sounds when water is entered.

Property owners, who fail to comply, can face criminal charges. If a property owner or an injured party are unsure about RSPSA guidelines, please contact a Personal Injury Attorney at CASERTA & SPIRITI who can explain the applicable legal process. 

Common causes of drowning accidents may include:

  • Slip and fall incidents on the pools surrounding surfaces,
  • Broken pool ladders or pumps,
  • Diving accidents,
  • Inappropriate water levels,
  • Negligent lifeguards,
  • Poor equipment maintenance,
  • Out of place emergency safety and floatation devices, and
  • Poor overall construction, among others. 

Without appropriate supervision and safety equipment, water activities can become dangerous. 

Drowning accidents bring devastating emotional trauma, pain, suffering, as well as tremendous expense. If a loved one is lost because of a drowning accident, and it is believed another party was responsible for the loss, by law, injured party themselves or a family member may be entitled to compensation.

It only takes one inch of water to cause an accidental drowning incident. The most common locations for accidental drownings are:

  • Lakes,
  • Rivers,
  • Oceans,
  • Swimming pools,
  • Bathtubs, and
  • Buckets.

The elderly and infants have a greater risk of drowning in the bathtubs, though individuals aged five to 64 also drown in bathtubs. A child under the age of six should never be left unsupervised in a tub since they may slip and fall and be unable to pick themselves up or call for help.

Though adults do drown in tubs (a result of falling, sleeping, or passing out), they more often drown in swimming pools, natural bodies of water, and hot tubs. Alcohol or drugs, which impair judgment, balance, and coordination, are often a contributing factor to adult accidental drowning. Pre-existing medical or physical conditions, like seizure disorders, can also increase the risk of drowning.

If it is believe another party is liable for a loss, that injured party will need a knowledgeable drowning accident lawyer who understands the law and can analyze the subject case to determine liability. It is also important to note that if one is considering a personal injury or wrongful death claim against those believed to be liable in the said accident, they will need to do so within the statute of limitations or deadline of the state of Florida or be barred from any type of recovery. If injured in a swimming pool accident, in Florida, the statute of limitations is four years from the date of incident to make a claim. On the other hand, if there is a death of a loved one in a drowning accident, there is only two years to file a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida. It is best to act as soon as possible after an accident and contact an experienced Attorney.

Those potentially liable in a drowning accident is dependent on several factors, including where the accident happened and if a product involved in the accident was defective. Regarding the location of the accident, the following parties can be found at-fault:

  • The property owner or tenant of the property,
  • Neighborhood Associations,
  • Recreational Centers,
  • Day Camps, and
  • Hotel or Resort, among others.

These parties are required by law to ensure safe conditions to protect guests who visit their property, premises, or establishment, and when they fail to do so, they can be held liable. 

In the same way, a designer, manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer may be liable if a defective product resulted in a drowning accident. For instance, if a life jacket or other safety device failed, causing an individual to drown.

In a swimming pool or drowning accident, the key to recovering compensation is determining liability and proving negligence, which requires investigating the claim, gathering the needed evidence, and legal representation. 

If an individual has suffered a personal injury or lost a loved one in a swimming pool accident, an expert is needed who cares and understands liability and negligence.

If someone needs guidance following the loss of a loved one in a drowning accident, or suffers injury themselves in Florida, contact the lawyers as well as the professional legal team at the law firm of CASERTA & SPIRITI.  Injured parties and families should consider retaining experienced legal counsel to guide them through the process while protecting legal rights and ensuring a fair recovery for the compensation deserved from a tragic loss, which may include medical costs, pain and suffering, rehabilitation, lost wages, disability, among others.