Navigating Post-Accident Challenges in Florida: A Brief Practical Guide

Experiencing an accident is a disorienting and stressful event, but being informed and taking the right steps afterward can make a significant difference. Here is a brief but comprehensive guide on what you need to know and do after an accident in Florida:

1. Prioritize Safety:

Immediately after an accident, the safety of everyone involved should be the top priority. Move to a safe location if possible and check for injuries. Call 911 to report the accident, call an ambalance and do an incident report for the store or property owner, and seek medical assistance for any injuries.

2. Exchange Information:

Exchange contact and insurance information with all parties involved in the accident. Gather names, phone numbers, addresses, insurance details, and vehicle information if a motor vehicle accident. If there are witnesses, obtain their contact information as well.

3. Document the Scene:

Take pictures of the accident scene, including vehicle damage, license plates, cause of a slip, trip and fall and the surrounding environment. These visuals can be valuable when filing insurance claims or if legal action becomes necessary.

4. Contact Law Enforcement:

In Florida, it is essential to report certain accidents to law enforcement. If the motor vehicle accident involves injuries, deaths, or property damage exceeding $500, the involved party must report it to the local police or sheriff’s office.

5. Seek Medical Attention:

Even if injuries seem minor, it is crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Some injuries may not manifest immediately, and a medical professional can document one’s condition for insurance and legal purposes.

6. Notify Insurance Company:

Report the accident to one’s insurance company as well as the at fault party’s insurance as soon as possible. Provide them with accurate details and follow their instructions for the claims process. Failure to report promptly could affect a person’s ability to file a claim.

7. Consult with an Attorney:

If the accident resulted in significant injuries or if fault or liability is disputed, consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney is advisable. They can provide guidance on applicable rights and responsibilities, help navigate the legal process, and ensure an innocent injured party receives fair compensation.

8. Preserve Evidence:

Keep all documents related to the accident, including the police report, incident report, photos, video, medical records, and correspondence with insurance companies. This documentation will be crucial if legal action is pursued.

9. Be Mindful of Time Limits:

Florida has specific time limits, known as statutes of limitations, for filing personal injury and property damage claims. Be aware of these deadlines to ensure the subject party takes timely action if pursuing legal recourse.

10. Know Florida’s No-Fault Insurance System-if a Motor Vehicle Accident:

Florida follows a no-fault insurance system, meaning one’s insurance typically covers their medical expenses regardless of who caused the accident if treatment is sought and provided promptly. However, in cases of serious injuries, the involved party may pursue a bodily injury liability claim, if the at fault party is at least 50% or more negligent for the accident.

By following these steps, the involved party will be better equipped to navigate the aftermath of an accident in Florida. Remember, seeking professional advice and timely medical treatment from medical professionals and advice from experienced Personal Injury attorneys is crucial to ensuring rights are protected and that an innocent injured party receives the support they need during this challenging time.

The foregoing is a brief and general overview of what to know and what to do after an accident in Florida. 

If you have any additional Questions regarding the foregoing or have any legal issue or concern, please contact the law firm of CASERTA & SPIRITI in Miami Lakes, Florida.