When Florida Parents Travel & Minor Children Remain at Home – Preparing Necessary Documents

When parents travel and leave their minor children at home, planning ahead to delegate decision-making authority is crucial. In Florida, while natural parents hold the legal right to make decisions for their children, temporarily assigning this role to a trusted caregiver ensures that all essential matters are managed smoothly in the parents’ absence.

Power of Attorney for Minor Children

One key document for traveling parents is the Power of Attorney (POA) for the care of minor children. This legal instrument authorizes a designated caregiver to make day-to-day decisions on the child’s behalf, covering healthcare, schooling, and other important activities. The document should clearly state that the authority granted is temporary, with a set expiration date, ensuring the caregiver’s power does not extend beyond the intended period.

Healthcare Surrogate for Minors

Equally important is designating a healthcare surrogate for your child, allowing the chosen guardian to make medical decisions in both emergency and routine situations. Florida law (Fla. Stat. 765.202) requires that this document be signed in the presence of two witnesses to be legally binding. It ensures the temporary guardian has the authority to promptly address medical issues that may arise while parents are away.

Medical Information Sheet

In addition to formal documentation, parents should prepare a detailed medical information sheet. This sheet should include essential health data like allergies, medications, dosages, and the contact information of your child’s healthcare provider. Such information allows the temporary guardian to act swiftly and knowledgeably in a medical situation.

Daily Logistics and Permission Slips

Daily activities, from school to extracurricular events, also require parental consent. Before traveling, parents should provide signed permission slips for school field trips, sports, or other activities in which their children may participate. This foresight prevents disruptions in your child’s routine and grants the caregiver the ability to manage the child’s schedule smoothly.

Regular Updates and Professional Guidance

Parents who travel often or foresee periods of absence should regularly update these documents to ensure accuracy. Keeping everything current minimizes stress during travel and guarantees that your child’s well-being is covered during any temporary absence.

If a Florida resident needs assistance drafting a Power of Attorney, designating a healthcare surrogate, or creating other vital documents, CASERTA & SPIRITI is available to provide the guidance and support you need to ensure your children are fully protected in your absence.

The foregoing is a brief and general overview of the topic. If you have any additional questions regarding the foregoing or have any legal issue or concern, please contact the law firm of CASERTA & SPIRITI in Miami Lakes, Florida.