Entertainment Law: Merchandising and Licensing


We help our clients merchandise and license some of the most visible and successful properties in the world.

We help clients create and implement merchandising programs from start to finish; we identify and protect licensable elements of a property and identify potential licensees. We also draft and negotiate license agreements and create and administer effective anti-piracy policing programs

Practice Area Attorneys

find family law attorney near me | Caserta & Spiriti

Joseph Spiriti

Joseph A. Spiriti Jr., represents clients in general business matters, with specialized experience in contract negotiation, debt collection, business infrastructure and transactions, real estate, and entertainment transactions and litigation.

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business legal advice provider | David T. Caserta

David Caserta

David T. Caserta represents clients in general business matters, which include, but are not limited to, contract negotiation, business infra-structure and transactions, real estate.

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